Python Deep Learning Library, including autograd, nn modules, optimizers, io, etc.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


PDLL's mission is to build a backend-agnostic python deep learning framework for education, pluging and playing for different numpy-like computing engines. It includes autograd, nn, optimizer, io, .etc.


Getting Started

In [1]: import pdll as L

In [2]: a = L.rand(2, 2, 3, requires_grad=True)
In [3]: b = L.rand(3, 3)
In [4]: c = a @ b + L.rand(2, 3)
In [5]: d = (c ** 2) * 2 - L.ones_like(c)
In [6]: d.mean().backward()

In [7]: a.grad
Tensor([[[0.71458999 0.87984239 0.73015823]
  [0.76491385 1.04176047 0.89780678]]
 [[1.07044392 1.33654949 1.12387667]
  [0.74022419 1.01408228 0.86196845]]])
Name Performance Commits
mnist acc=0.99 an exmaple modified from pytorch mnist, but with new network achitecture.

About PDLL

PDLL is a python deep learning library. To see details in achitecture and todo-list.

Module Description
pdll.backend a numpy-like library, types ans operations
pdll.autograd an automatic differentiation library, that can record operations on Tensor type
pdll.nn a neural network library based on autograd
pdll.optim an optimizer algorithm library for deep learning
pdll.io dataset, dataloader and serialization

To get complete source code of PDLL, please contact me.
To learn more about contributing to PDLL, please contact me.

About Me


  • pdll


  • caffe
  • pytorch