
Framework for training neural networks on image processing tasks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Learning image processing with neural network

This project aims at giving a common platform for learning image processing task with neural network. The usage of the module is very simple:

  1. Specify an image processing pipeline using traditional Python code
  2. Declare a neural network model
  3. Train the network with batch/model-processing methods
  4. Save and test the model

Please read the following sections to understand how each component is declared and how to contribute to the project. The project currently includes the following running examples:


The project specifies a couple of interfaces that standardizes the usage of the module. In addition to the common interface, we provide some implementation that occur frequently, including the implementation of
Model and Trainer in some popular backends (see Backends for more details). most interfaces have


The Dataset interface is the I/O interface of the project and offers a unique way to store images, in a large array. A couple of common datasets are provided such as ImageFolder and ImageSingleton.


The Model interface is a simple wrapper around a neural network model. It doesn't specify the way the network will be trained or evaluated. Such responsibilities are delegated to the Trainer object. However, it standardizes the model saving and loading methods. The loading method is not part of the module, but it outputs an object implementing Model.


If the above mentioned interfaces can be found in other frameworks, the processors are what is special about the project. There are 3 types of processors, each one of them is encapsulated by a callable object / interface.

  1. TargetProcessor: the image processing task to imitate. It first takes some parameters to initialize. Then it can be apply to any images and produces input / output pair and some metadata reflecting the parameters such as the noise map. Please note that the input to TargetProcessor may not be the input in the processing pipeline. For example, in case of denoising, the input image actually corresponds to the output of the denoising process, while as the input of the denoising process is a noisy version of the input image.
  2. BatchProcessor: training data sampler. After we have our input / output image pair and the metadata, we need to feed them to the model. Depending on the model definition, it may take a full image, a patch or other format. In order to satisfy a wide range of demand, the BatchProcessor is introduced to convert a list of input / output pair and the metadata to a minibatch of training samples. The size of the minibatch, the shape are hardcoded in the object that implements BatchProcessor.
  3. ModelProcessor: wrapper around the model to imitate the target pipeline. This processor has 2 components, one pre-processor that works similarly to BatchProcessor which now takes one single image and metadata as input, generates a list of data points that can be feed to the Model (no output is needed here as we are not going to train the model). After processing these data points with Model, a post-processor is used to reassemble the image in a predefined way.

Trainer / Tester

The Trainer interface unifies the training and evaluation of the Model. It takes as input a Dataset, a Model, some Processors and a Parameters that specify all parameters relevant to the network training such as the learning rate and number of epochs. The object can be used in 2 phases: training and testing phase.

The Tester module is not a interface, but a class. It builds upon a Model and a ModelProcessor which control the whole computation. Therefore, Tester is merely a wrapper around those 2 objects, but it does offer a unified method for interacting with images or Dataset.


Given the variety of neural network frameworks, the project supports a couple of widely used ones. The support for other frameworks can be added easily by implementing the Model and Trainer interface. The reason being those frameworks use different APIs for network training and evaluation. Please note that the definition of neural network is not included in the project, but we do give some examples under the samples folder.

  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • Chainer


Before running the examples, you will need to install the project and its dependencies. In addition to Arch Linux under which the project is developed, the project is also tested against the environment specified in the Dockerfiles under docker.

To build a docker image and run a container in interactive mode, please execute:

docker image build -f docker/Dockerfile.cpu -t nnimgproc:cpu .
docker run -it --rm nnimgproc:cpu bash

In order to use GPUs, please run:

docker image build -f docker/Dockerfile.gpu -t nnimgproc:gpu .
nvidia-docker run -it --rm nnimgproc:gpu bash

Installing the project with pip is also possible, but there could be version mismatch, for example, tensorflow is configured with a specific version of CUDA and cudnn which may not correspond to the one provided by your Linux distribution.

pip3 install --user -e .  # cpu-only
pip3 install --user -e '.[all]'  # gpu

Image denoising with multilayer perceptron in Keras

Under the samples/denoising folder, we provide some scripts for training simple neural network-based image denoiser. The default parameters are taken from Burger et al. [1]. To train and test a smaller version of it, please use the supplemented bash script. The data folder should only contain images. The result folder can be anything, but make sure our default path won't overwrite your existing files.

nvidia-docker run -v $DATA:/root/data -v $RESULT:/root/nnimgproc/results -p 6006:6006 -it --rm nnimgproc:gpu bash
bash samples/denoising/run.sh

By default, the output are located at $RESULT/denoising_mlp_keras. You can start a tensorboard at the beginning using tensorboard --logdir [PATH] to visualize the training process. You can access the tensorboard at localhost:6006.

If you use docker and want to save the result into local file system, you will need to mount another folder when running the container.

Image de-streaking with convolutional neural network in Chainer

Under the samples/destreaking folder, we provide some scripts for training simple neural network-based image de-streaker which is can be viewed as a post-processing method for Filtered Back Projection. To train and test a smaller version of it, please use the supplemented bash script. Other steps are identical to the one listed above.

bash samples/destreaking/run.sh