
Zhiyin dance in zsh prompt

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Inspired by Zhiyin, emoji-ps1 and built on ys-zsh-theme


  1. Install Zhiyin.otf font, select it in your iTerm2 (under Non-ASCII font) and add it to your VS Code's font family.

  2. cp zhiyin.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/, or just add this code snippet to your favourite zsh theme.

  3. Add psanimate 0.08 to your .zshrc. 0.08 is the interval between frames, in seconds.

Zhiyin Sing

Sing upon ERR signal. Enable by adding below to zhiyin.zsh-theme, and copy niganma.mp3 somewhere you like.

function zhiyin_sing {
    afplay ~/Downloads/niganma.mp3

trap zhiyin_sing ERR