
A Simple yet Effective Relation Information Guided Approach for Few-Shot Relation Extraction

Primary LanguagePython


The code of the short paper "A Simple yet Effective Relation Information Guided Approach for Few-Shot Relation Extraction". This paper has been accepted to Findings of ACL2022. You can find the main results (username is liuyang00) in the paper on FewRel 1.0 competition on CodaLab competition websit: FewRel 1.0 Competition

We will release the paper link after camera ready.


  • python 3
  • PyTorch 1.7.1
  • transformers 4.6.0

Datasets and Models

You can find the training and validation data here: FewRel 1.0 data. For the test data, you can easily download from FewRel 1.0 competition website: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/27980

We release our trained models using BERT and CP as backend models respectively at Google Drive. The file structure as below:


You can reproduce our result in the paper with models in BERT/nodropPrototype-nodropRelation-lr-1e-5 and CP/nodropPrototype-nodropRelation-lr-5e-6. We also provide the trained model with a different learning rate for CP in CP/--nodropPrototype-nodropRelation-lr-9e-6 for extra reference.


Put all data in the data folder, CP pretrained model in the CP_model folder (you can download CP model from https://github.com/thunlp/RE-Context-or-Names/tree/master/pretrain or Google Drive), and then you can simply use three scripts: run_train.sh, run_eval.sh, run_submit.sh for train, evaluation and test.


Set the corresponding parameter values in the script, and then run:

sh run_train.sh

Some explanations of the parameters in the script:

	the path for the BERT-base-uncased
	bert or cp, select one backend model


Set the corresponding parameter values in the script, and then run:

sh run_eval.sh

Some explanations of the parameters in the script:

	1000, the evaluation iteration
	the path of the trained model


Set the corresponding parameter values in the script, and then run:

sh run_submit.sh

Some explanations of the parameters in the script:

	the path to save the prediction file


BERT on FewRel 1.0

5-way-1-shot 5-way-5-shot 10-way-1-shot 10-way-5-shot
Val 91.29 94.05 86.09 89.68
Test 94.42 96.37 90.73 93.47

CP on FewRel 1.0

5-way-1-shot 5-way-5-shot 10-way-1-shot 10-way-5-shot
Val 96.21 97.07 93.38 95.11
Test 96.63 97.93 94.94 96.39