
Dev fork of project's compose

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Containerized provisioning

This repo helps rolling up the provisioning application, including frontend and all integrated services such as sources for development purpose, demo or testing with no extra setup. This repo uses git-submodules for linking different services all-together as sub directories.


$ git clone https://github.com/RHEnVision/provisioning-compose.git

After cloning, the folder structure should be:

   ├── provisioning-compose
   │   ├── backend
   │   ├── frontend
   │   ├── sources-api-go


$ COMPOSE_PROFILES=migrate,backend docker compose up 
# Alternatively, with podman:
$ COMPOSE_PROFILES=migrate,backend podman-compose up

This command also migrates data to postgres db, using the migrate profile.


A compose profile allows you to run a subset of containers. When no profile is given, the provisioning backend, postgres and redis will run by default.

Currently there are a few profiles:

  • migrate: migrate provisioning backend, terminates after migration
  • backend: running the provisioning backend, with postgres and redis
  • kafka: run kafka with zookeeper, register topics
  • frontend: run local provisioning frontend
  • sources: run latest sources service image from quay
  • sources-dev: run local sources with postgres db, on first use notice that you will need to run /script/sources.seed.sh for seeding your local sources data.

For example, in order to run local sources, kafka, backend and frontend profiles, run

# using docker
$ COMPOSE_PROFILES=frontend,backend,kafka,sources-dev docker compose up 

Custom configuration

The .env files, backend.env and sources.env have all the minimum required env variables, if some custom variables are needed you are advised to rename the file and consume it in compose.yml

Live reloading for dev

The backend container uses CompileDaemon for live reloading, it watches for changes, re-build and run the server when a change occurs. The frontend container uses webpack dev server hot reloading.

Compose's data

Databases, kafka and redis data and logs are stored under ./data folder. When you use podman as non-root, postgres will change permissions of the directory to container user (random uid) and 600 permissions which makes the directory undeletable for the hosting user, workaround can be:

$ podman unshare chmod 777 data/*