First part of the project will be to work on the html5 mark-up using the mock ups as reference and starting with the common elements:
- Header
- Footer
Then the mark-up for:
- main content on the homepage (
) - main content on content page (
) - main content program lists page (
) - main program details page (
All styles will be using the BEM (block element modifier) notation with the prefix 'bcde-' to clearly identify any new styles that go on top of what bootstrap is providing.
Once reviewed and finalized what the desktop and mobile versions of the components within the 4 pages above, we will proceed to generate a styleguide with all the different components and layouts:
- directory of components and layouts (
In the end, on top of the 5 .html files mentioned above, I will also deliver:
file with the layers of styles needed to 'BC Developers' Exchangify' (aka customize) the html5 markupbehaviour.js
with any javascript needed to enhance the deliverables.- assets like logos and images optimized/enhanced to be rendered on the web
Last, but not least all other bootstrap files needed to render the standalone html will be provided in the package.
The html/css/js will be cross-browser tested to work on evergreen browsers.
I look forward to getting feedback from the stakeholders 3 times a week until the November 4th deadline at mutually agreeable time slot to ensure we are building what the stakeholders want.