- Powered by 百度图像审核API(Baidu Image Censoring)
“百度内容审核基于深度学习的智能内容审核方案,准确识别图片和视频中的涉黄、涉暴涉恐、政治敏感、微商广告、恶心等内容,也能从美观和清晰等维度对图像进行筛选,快速精准,解放审核人力。” - Credits to the great idea and work of Cover (Cover Gallery Protector) team.
Test Set
coming from nsfw_data_scraper, only for the purpose of programming and testing.
❗ Please DO comply with the law as this program DOES.
Create/Put under the startup directory of the program.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
is refered as max length (byte) of base64 coded file, and should not exceed 4M acrroding to Baidu's official document.