
Notes I've taken on programming

Primary LanguageShell


This repo holds my notes on programming.
I am slowly publishing notes that I've taken since 2008.
They are published on www.louzell.com

Project structure


Contains scripts for launching and configuring new ec2 instances to serve www.louzell.com.

Machines are configured in two steps:

  1. Using a boostrap.userdata file that's passed to the booting instance by aws, and run as root
  2. Using a finalize_machine.sh script thats as ec2-user

Launch a new machine with:

cd infra
rake launch[micro]
./upload_utils.sh <public-dns-returned-from-command-above>
ssh ec2-user@<public-dns>

Before running the finalize_machine script, consider if an elastic IP should be attached to this machine. If I plan to run certbot's install, then the https challenge will fail unless the elastic IP that I point the nameservers at is associated with this machine. If I am not using certbot's challenges (and instead scp'ing certs from an existing box) then I can proceed without attaching the elasticIP.


Contains logic to:

  1. Select notes out of my private directory and copy them here
  2. Create index.md with a list of notes in this project
  3. Convert markdown to html

Perfom all three with:

cd generator

The output lives at <project-dir>/www.
Browse the output locally with open www/index.html.
Deploy to www.louzell.com with rake deploy.


Contains light styling and a tiny amount of js.


Target directory for generated html


Test the rendered markdown of this file (assumes vim):

!pandoc -f markdown -t html % > %.html && open -a /Applications/Firefox.app %.html