
XML to Object mapper, with an interface similar to ActiveRecord associations

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


XML to object mapper with an interface similar to ActiveRecord associations.


sudo gem install mapricot

Example Usage

Super Simple

require 'mapricot'

simple_xml = %(

class User < Mapricot::Base
  has_one   :id,    :integer
  has_one   :name,  :string
  has_many  :pets,  :string

user = User.new(simple_xml)
puts user.id                # => 1
puts user.name              # => "Bob"
puts user.pets              # => ["cat", "dog"]

A little more realistic

require 'mapricot'

xml = %(
    <location code="ny123">
      <city>New York</city>

class User < Mapricot::Base
  has_one   :id,        :integer
  has_one   :name       # Tag type will default to :string
  has_many  :pets
  has_one   :location,  :xml
  has_many  :hobbies,   :xml

class Location < Mapricot::Base
  has_attribute :code
  has_one       :city
  has_one       :state

class Hobby < Mapricot::Base
  has_one :description,     :string
  has_one :number_of_years, :integer

user = User.new(xml)
puts user.name            # => "Sally"
puts user.pets.inspect    # => []
puts user.location.class  # => Location
puts user.location.city   # => "New York"
puts user.location.state  # => "NY"
puts user.location.code   # => "ny123"
puts user.hobbies.class         # => Array
puts user.hobbies.first.class   # => Hobby

user.hobbies.each do |hobby|
  puts "#{hobby.description} for #{hobby.number_of_years} years"
# => Skiing for 2 years
# => Hiking for 3 years

Parsing from a URL

If you want to parse xml from a url, do something like this:

require 'open-uri'

Foo < Mapricot::Base

url = 'http://www.example.com'

Changing the xml library

Mapricot.parser = :hpricot
Mapricot.parser = :nokogiri
Mapricot.parser = :libxml

Other stuff

Your classes should inherit from Mapricot::Base, which provides the class methods

  • has_one(name, type, opts = {})

  • has_many(name, type, opts = {})

  • has_attribute(name)

Copyright © 2010 Lou Zell, released under the MIT license