
Ruby client for Thomson Reuters Knowledge Direct API

Primary LanguageRuby

Setting your username and password

See lib/trkd.rb


Fundamentals for IBM:

ibm_fun = TRKD::Fundamentals.for('IBM')
ibm_fun.response      # => Hash generated by httparty
ibm_fun.raw_response  # => The raw response as a string
ibm_fun.nokogiri_doc  # => Nokogiri::XML::Document object
ibm_fun.pretty_print  # => prints the response in a format you can read

Estimates for GOOG:

goog_fundamentals = TRKD::Fundamentals.for('GOOG')

Headlines by topic code:

headlines = TRKD::Headlines.for_topic_code('OLUSWORLD')

Summaries by topic code:

summaries = TRKD::SummaryByTopic.find_all('OLUSWORLD')

Summary by story id:

summary = TRKD::SummaryByStory.find('urn:newsml:onlinereport.com:20100601:nTRE6504TR20100601172920:5')

Handling token rotation

You don’t have to!