
Code that I wrote while learning Erlang to give a presentation about on Parallel Computing unit @ QUT

Primary LanguageErlang


I created this repo to put the code that I wrote while learning Erlang through its official guide and some shallow reading on Learn you some Erlang for Great good book, which I really recomend.

The contribution of my studies can be found on the script matrix.erl that multiplies two matrices on different sizes (as long as they respect the Matrix Multiplication dimension constraints). This code was also be uploaded on [Rosetta code] (https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#Erlang). ######(Yey, I was able to contribute to Rosetta code!)

I've also implemented a parallel (actually distribuited) version of this algorithm, which can be found on matrix_p.erl. You can get a better idea behind it by first reading its sequential version.