
:camera: QUT 2015 Cloud Computing final assignment

Primary LanguageHTML

Assignment 2 - Motion detector

Motion server stable version

This version is embeded on AWS/AMI machines. If you update this branch, be sure to update the AMI image by just running misc/Dockerfile on a Ubuntu machine. Remeber to login as lzfelix to download the private lzfelix/cab432 image.

In order to build this project, you are going to need:

  • opencv 2.4.x
  • node 4.x (on OSX) or 0.12.7 (on Ubuntu)

Notice: nvm doesn't work properly inside Docker containers

Just run npm install on motion_server on the root folder and everything is going to be fine


Task Status
Back end
Implementing motion detection algorithm Done
Group cameras location on a single j​son​ file Done
Creating a server which receives a camera request and counts the amount of cars Done
Require authentication before serving API Extra / Done
Set up a load balancer to handle load on the processing server Done
Test manual scaling with this server Done
Configure automatic scale out/in using the load balancer Done
Implement database to keep track of most accessed cameras Done
Remove / route from back server (only before submitting) To do
Collect (lat,long) location of the cameras based on its address Done
Develop the first page, where the user can select which cameras he wants to monitor Done
~~Embed Google Maps in this fist page ~~ Done
Retrieve popular cameras from the Database To do
~~ Embed jQuery on this page to keep statistics updated Done

DB Login details

mssql -s zw9rn5s0y6.database.windows.net -u nyc_user -p v@c4jairo -d nycdb -e

AWS Service configuration

1. Creating a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Dashboard > VPC > Start VPC Wizard.


  • VPC name: nyc_vpc
  • Subnet name: nyc_vpcx
  • id (current): vpc-f4e55a91
  • Gateway id: igw-c823f3
  • Route tables: rtb-d8 (custom) / rtb-d930 (main)

2. Create security group

Dashboard > VPC > Security Groups > Create Allows HTTP @ 80 and SSL @ 22 inbound connections


  • name: nyc_secgroup
  • auto assign IP: true

3. EC2 instance details

  • network: nyc_vpc
  • subnet: nyc_vpcx
  • security group: nyc_secgroup
  • Use the Docker image in misc/Docker and guestkey here. Don't forget to login as lzfelix
  • Modify crontab (crontab -e from this machine)
  • Save it as a image. By default aim_nyc_backserver (aim is a typo for AMI)

4. Create load balancer

  • Name: nyc_balancer
  • Forwarding: port 80 (external) -> port 80 internal (notice Docker container creation)
  • Subnet: nyc_vpcx
  • Security group: nyc_balancer_secgroup (just allows inbound HTTP connections @ port 80)
  • Ping path: '/'

5. Create "Launch Configuration"

EC2 > Auto Scaling > Launch configuration > create


  • name: aim_nyc_backserver
  • AMI: aim_nyc_backserver
  • security group: nyc_secgroup

6. Create auto scaling group

  • name: nyc_autoscale_group
  • configuration: aim_nyc_backserver
  • initial size: 2
  • max size: 7
  • network: nyc_vpc
  • subnet: nyc_vpcx
  • Health check: 300 (amount of time to consider a instance health to be mapped by the group, in seconds)
  • Load balancer: nyc_balancer
  • Policies:
    • scale-in: Σ(inbound_data) >= 200.000 bytes for 1 minute in a row
    • scale-out: Σ(inbound_data) <= 50.000 bytes for 1 minute, 3 times in a row