
My solutions to the programming assignments of the Stanford Compiler course.

Primary LanguageC++

COOL Compiler

Programming Assignments of CS143 Compilers - C++ version

This repository contains all my solutions to the MOOC Compilers on Coursera:


You can also find it on Stanford Online:


How to set up the assignments

The following steps are copied from the "Installing Directly on Linux" page on the course website.


  • Install packages (If you only intend to use the C++ version, you don't need the jdk). For Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-get install flex bison build-essential csh openjdk-6-jdk libxaw7-dev
  • Make the /usr/class directory:

      sudo mkdir /usr/class
  • Make the directory owned by you:

      sudo chown $USER /usr/class
  • Go to /usr/class and download the tarball:

      cd /usr/class
      wget http://spark-university.s3.amazonaws.com/stanford-compilers/vm/student-dist.tar.gz
  • Untar:

      tar -xf student-dist.tar.gz
  • If you want things exactly like the VM:

    Add a symlink to your home directory:

      ln -s /usr/class/cs143/cool ~/cool
  • Add the bin directory to your $PATH environment variable. If you are using bash, add to your .profile (or .bash_profile, etc. depending on your configuration; note that in Ubuntu have to log out and back in for this to take effect):


For each assignment, you need to set up the starter code according to the assignment specification.

Listed below are (only) the files I modified in each assignment.

Assignment 1

score: 63 / 63


Assignment 2

score: 70 / 70


Important note on assignment 2

According to the assignment spec, you will need to make one slight change to the starter code before it will link.

Please comment out line 29 of the file parser-phase.cc (which you should not otherwise modify), so that it looks like:

//int curr_lineno;               // needed for lexical analyzer

Assignment 3

score: 74 / 74




Assignment 4

score: 63 / 63





Important note on assignment 4

I used some C++11 features in this assignment. In order compile the code, you will have to set up a flag for g++. Go to /PA5/Makefile, and find the line starting with CFLAGS=... (which should be line 29).

Add -std=c++11 at the end of that line. Now that line should be something like:

CFLAGS=-g -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings -Wno-deprecated ${CPPINCLUDE} -DDEBUG -std=c++11