
Source code for article 'Efficient Large-scale Parallel Stencil Computation on Multi-Core and Multi-GPU Accelerated Clusters'

Primary LanguageCuda


Source code for article 'Efficient Large-scale Parallel Stencil Computation on Multi-Core and Multi-GPU Accelerated Clusters'.

This repo host the framework template that updates/synchronizes arbitrarily defined subdomain boundaries, and the benckmark models to study the effectiveness of our B2R latency hiding scheme.


The main entry is in b2r.cpp. Configurations are in b2r.hpp.

Data movement way, in b2r.cpp

  1. use function boundary_updating_direct will transfer data directly from device memory to device memory via MPI-direct (requires hardware support).

  2. use function boundary_updating will pack/unpack in device but copy the halo to host to send, the same for receiving (does not need hardware support).

Benchmark model

Earthquake wave propogation model

eqwp.cu and eqwp.hpp

Game of life

gol-3D.cu and gol-3D.hpp

Heat diffusion model

CPU codes are in heat-3D.cpp, cuda implementation codes are in heat-3D.cu

There are four implementations (fdm_heat_diffuse_delta1-4) for this model with different degree of numerical accuracy.

You need to change model entry function accordingly in the main function in b2r.cc.


mpirun -np N ./mpi.out (mpi.out -> mpi-gou.out) R Bx By Bz

where, R is the B2R parameter R that must fullfil the condition: 1 <= R <= (R*Delta)/2, Bxyz is the block size to be used to split the simulation environment. all of which should be perfectly devisiable with the corresponding dimension size of the environemnt. The total number of process, N, should be the same as total number of block, i.e., N = Bx * By * Bz.