
A template for a web 3.0 project with Vue.js and TailwindCSS with a built in button to connect with Metamask

Primary LanguageVue

Web 3.0 template

This template should help get you started developing a web3.0 application with Vue.js (v3), TailwindCSS and Typescript. This is a work in progress project and I'll be adding new features.


This template requires de following environment variables

  • VITE_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_NAME: Name of the network in which the app runs (or where the smart contracts are deployed)
  • VITE_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ID: Network Id in format 0xN. Rinkeby is 0x4 for example.


This projects includes multiple features out of the box including:

  • Metamask wallet integration: there is a "Connect Wallet" button that triggers Metamask authorization
  • State management: the metamask wallet account info is kept in a store using Pinia. That way, it can be accessed from multiple views and components.
  • TailwindCSS integration
  • Vue router

Environment variables

Rename the .env.example file to .env and change the variables to the protocol name and id (in 0x format) for your project.


  • Identify if connected blockchain is the correct one.


  • Disconnect wallet button
  • Support for multiple accounts instead of just one
  • Support for other wallets

How I built this project step-by-step

Created new Vite project with npm init vite@latest web3-template-vue

Installed all dependenciess npm install

Installed TailwindCSS following the official guide

Installed Pinia npm i pinia and created a basic wallet store in src/store/wallet.ts

Installed vue-router (v4) and created a couple of views

Created a NavBar component with the buttons to connect Metamask wallet, save wallet info in store and navigate between routes

Installed node types to use process.env with npm install @types/node --save-dev

Fixed @ imports in vite.config.js