- User signup: Register a new user to the system.
- Check the new username or email address if it’s already registered to the system.
- Form validation: Check if all mandatory fields are filled out. - Check if password is strong enough. Define the rules of having a strong password. User passwords will be hashed and hashed version of passwords will be stored in the database.
- User login
- List available books in the system. User can filter the results based on at least one criterion (i.e. Book's name). Also, can “Search” for a specific item.
- Implemented Favorites function.
- For Admin user(s):
- List all items
- Add new item
- Delete item
- Update item
- For delete, soft-delete should be implemented.
HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap.
Node.JS, MongoDB.
- Install mongo, node js, npm.
- Use npm to install all node_modules showed in json file.
- In terminal, run
to start mongo. - In GUI, create a new db connnection, default port is 27017 or access mongodb in terminal, open another window, run
. - Run
node index
under project folder, go to your browser, http://localhost:port/.