Steam Recommendation System: Based on Game Features and User Reviews


This is a project for NUS BT5153 Applied Machine Learning for Business Analytics. Three models implemented in an attempt to recommend games to users based on their reviews on Steam as well as the features of the games.

Group 16

This project is done by:

  • Li Kangfu
  • Li Zhuoyi
  • Yu Ting
  • Zeng Xuran
  • Zheng Qingchuan

Library Packages

This project is implemented using Python 3. The following major packages are also needed.

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Gensium
  • NLTK
  • Sklearn
  • Jieba
  • Keras
  • SciPy
  • Matplotlib
  • VaderSentiment

Dataset and Pre-processing

Because of the size of the datasets, we do not upload the original dataset, but only upload the processed datasets.

Original Datasets

The original datasets can be downloaded from:


  • Put the two datasets in the same directory as the Preprocessing.ipynb file
  • Run the code (including cleaning, defining threshold and merging)
  • Get steam_games.csv and steam_cleaned_less.csv (the only difference of the two files is that steam_cleaned_less.csv drops the columns which contains NA values)
    === OR ===
    download the preprocessed dataset from this link!AsFAl5N0CEpEgZw52WtyCyXki5sjyw?e=yEpAPY

How to Run

(1) Create a folder name Cleaned data in the same directory as the three ipython notebook file

(2) Put the two CSV files steam_cleaned_less.csv and steam_games.csv are inside the Cleaned data folder

(3) Run each file with Jupyter notebook