One touch is a tool to get and install all required software and tools required to set up Stordis Advances Programmable Switches (APS) series. To get the files required by installer contact Stordis.
- Installer uses python version 3 or later
- sudo apt install python3
- python3
Installation of BF-SDE, Stordis BSP and all other required drivers on bf2556_1t switch running Ubuntu.
- Support for bf6064 switch, currently supports bf2556 switch only.
- Support for installing switch on ONL/ONLP, Currently works on Ubuntu only.
- Support for remote installation e.g. over ssh session.
- Get required installation artifacts via ftp (or so, using access provided by Stordis).
- Option for using pre-built binaries and Docker images of SDE and BSP.
- Pre-seeded OS images (Ubuntu and ONL/ONLP)