kubernetes leader election

use kubernetes leases for leader election

how to use

1. build binary

go build

2. run it

leaderElection -h

Usage of ./leaderElection:
        whether debug in local machine
  -election string
        The name of the election
  -election-namespace string
        The Kubernetes namespace for this election (default "default")
  -id string
        The id of this participant
  -port int
        If non-empty, stand up a simple webserver that reports the leader state (default 4040)
  -ttl duration
        The TTL for this election (default 10s)
        Should this server run in cluster?

2.1 local run test

leaderElection --election {selected lease name} --election-namespace {lease's namespace} --id {The id of this participant} --debug true

2.2 run in pod container

leaderElection --election {selected lease name} --election-namespace {lease's namespace} --id {The id of this participant}

curl it

curl {ip}:4040/get you will get current leader id