
l7 for streamlit-l7

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

streamlit L7

L7 is a Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial data visualization analysis framework. Live Demo


pip install streamlit-L7 


import streamlit as st
from streamlit_L7 import L7

options = {
        "mapType": 'Map',
        "layers": [
                "type": 'raster',
                "source": {
                    "data": 'https://tiles{1-3}.geovisearth.com/base/v1/ter/{z}/{x}/{y}?format=webp&tmsIds=w&token=b2a0cfc132cd60b61391b9dd63c15711eadb9b38a9943e3f98160d5710aef788',
                    "parser": {"type": 'rasterTile', "tileSize": 256, "zoomOffset": 0},
                "type": 'raster',
                "source": {
                    "data": 'https://tiles{1-3}.geovisearth.com/base/v1/cat/{z}/{x}/{y}?format=png&tmsIds=w&token=b2a0cfc132cd60b61391b9dd63c15711eadb9b38a9943e3f98160d5710aef788',
                    "parser": {"type": 'rasterTile', "tileSize": 256, "zoomOffset": 1},
                "type": 'choropleth',
                "autoFit": True,
                "source": {
                    "data": {
                        "type": "FeatureCollection",
                        "features": [
                            "type": "Feature",
                            "properties": {
                                "name": "矩形"
                            "geometry": {
                                "type": "Polygon",
                                "coordinates": [
                                    [120.554285, 30.145225],
                                    [120.554285, 30.482327],
                                    [120.865317, 30.482327],
                                    [120.865317, 30.145225],
                                    [120.554285, 30.145225]
                            "type": "Feature",
                            "properties": {"name":"多边形"},
                            "geometry": {
                                "type": "Polygon",
                                "coordinates": [
                                    [120.016222, 30.382493],
                                    [120.270497, 30.396202],
                                    [120.263686, 30.204106],
                                    [120.032115, 30.213916],
                                    [120.016222, 30.382493]

                "fillColor": {
                    "field": 'name',
                    "value": ['#fc8d59','#ffffbf','#91bfdb'],
                "opacity": 0.8,
                "strokeColor": 'blue',
                "lineWidth": 1,
                "state": {
                    "active": { "strokeColor": 'green', "lineWidth": 1.5, "lineOpacity": 0.8 },
                    "select": { "strokeColor": 'red', "lineWidth": 1.5, "lineOpacity": 0.8 },
                "label": {
                    "field": 'name',
                    "visible": True,
                    "style": { "fill": 'blue', "fontSize": 12, "stroke": '#fff', "strokeWidth": 2 },
        "controls": [
            "type": 'zoom',
             "type": 'scale',
              "type": 'fullscreen'

L7(options=options, style=None, key="streamlit_L7")


Now, There is only one API for streamlit-L7, named L7, see the options in L7 React component API.

Property Description Type Default
options the options for the visualization, say chart.options(options) L7options | null -
style the style of the container CSSProperties -


  • Build frontend code by running npm run build in fold streamlit_L7/frontend.
  • Run the example by running streamlit run app.py in root dir.


  • Build frontend code by running npm run build in fold streamlit_L7/frontend.
  • Build python python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  • publish python -m twine upload dist/*

