
This is a sample Spring MVC project that performs server side and client side template rendering. The purpose of this project was to integrate Angular 2 framework into Spring Eclipse project in order to allow for mix of back-end and front-end template rendering and test for compatibility of Java MVC with a front end framework.

Following technologies are included

  1. Spring MVC
  2. Maven
  3. Thymeleaf (server side rendering)
  4. Angular2 (client side rendering)
  5. Typescript
  6. SQLJDBC and Hibrenate (not used)


  1. Node.js 4.0+ with NPM
  2. Eclipse Neon
  3. Maven m2e 1.7
  4. Typescript 2.0+
  5. Eclipse Typescript-IDE https://github.com/angelozerr/typescript.java
  6. Tomcat 8.0
  7. JDK 8


  1. Pull repository
  2. Open in Eclipse
  3. Clean Project
  4. Run Maven Clean and Install
  5. Deploy springmvc project to Tomcat
  6. After Tomcat starts, navigate to http://localhost:8080/mvc/form