This is a sample Spring MVC project that performs server side and client side template rendering. The purpose of this project was to integrate Angular 2 framework into Spring Eclipse project in order to allow for mix of back-end and front-end template rendering and test for compatibility of Java MVC with a front end framework.
Following technologies are included
- Spring MVC
- Maven
- Thymeleaf (server side rendering)
- Angular2 (client side rendering)
- Typescript
- SQLJDBC and Hibrenate (not used)
- Node.js 4.0+ with NPM
- Eclipse Neon
- Maven m2e 1.7
- Typescript 2.0+
- Eclipse Typescript-IDE
- Tomcat 8.0
- JDK 8
- Pull repository
- Open in Eclipse
- Clean Project
- Run Maven Clean and Install
- Deploy springmvc project to Tomcat
- After Tomcat starts, navigate to http://localhost:8080/mvc/form