
A collection of Inno scrpits, plugins, resources and so on.

Primary LanguageInno Setup


A collection of Inno scrpits, plugins, resources and so on.

Most of these are from internat. I collected them and wrote a lot of scripts.

Unfortunately, Some script or plugin I didn't know the author. So, if you are the author, please tell me. Thanks!

Inno Setup Header File

I 'Create' this ext. This is for '#include', Just like '.inc' or '.nsh' Make Inno easier and more powerful

Inno Setup Plugins

Most of plugins are from

Restools: http://restools.hanzify.org/

SkyGz: http://www.hanzify.org/software/11564.html

Sherlock: http://www.sherlocksoftware.org/page.php?id=11

Russion forum:


This project is not stable yet. So maybe someday some code will be change a lot. Be careful of this, read readme.txt clearly, and then update.