Primary LanguagePython

Multimodal Pre-training for Sequential Recommendation via Contrastive Learning


We first need to create a python=3.7 virtualenv and activate it.
Then, we install some dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

Due to the space limit on the google drive folders, we can't attach all datasets in this package.
Hence, we provide the Pantry dataset, which can be downloaded from Link. We will provide the other two datasets once the paper is published. After downloading the dataset, please put them under './dataset/pantry/'.

For example, the complete dataset folder structure of Pantry is as follows:

    |── pantry.inter                     # user-item interaction data
    ├── desc_emb.pkl                     # item text feature
    └── image_emb_15.pkl                 # item image feature

"15" refers to the number of image word tokens. By default, the number of image word tokens is 15.

Training MP4SR

Our proposed method is a two stage framework. Hence, we need to first run pre-training and then run fine-tuning on the same dataset.


Pre-train MP4SR from scratch:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python run_recbole.py --gpu_id=1 --dataset=pantry --model=MP4SR --train_stage=pretrain --num_imgtokens=15 --learning_rate=0.001 --train_batch_size=1024 --lambda=0.01 --proj=False

The output is a pre-trained checkpoint named as {MP4SR-Date-Time} saved in the folder './saved/'.
--lambda is used to balance Modality-specific Next Item Prediction loss (NIP) and Cross Modality Contrastive Loss (CMCL).


  1. Find the pre-trained checkpoint file name from the .log file or './saved/' folder. For example, the checkpoint file is named as 'MP4SR-Aug-18-2022_19-38-01.pth'. Then, fine-tune the model with the pre-trained model for one set of hyper-parameters:
python run_recbole.py --dataset=pantry --model=MP4SR --train_stage='finetune' --num_imgtokens=15 --pretrained_path='./saved/MP4SR-Aug-18-2022_19-38-01.pth' --learning_rate=0.0001 --train_batch_size=1024 --weight_decay=0.001

The training log file is written under './log/'.
--pretrained_path defines the saved pre-trained checkpoint.

  1. Or, we could fine-tune with pre-trained model for full sets of hyper-parameters:
python run_hyper.py --dataset=pantry --model=MP4SR --train_stage='finetune' --num_imgtokens=15 --pretrained_path='./saved/MP4SR-Aug-18-2022_19-38-01.pth' --output_file='./log_tune/pantry.result' --params_file=hyper.test

--output_file specifies the output directory of the hyper-parameter tuning results.
--params_file defines the search space for hyper-parameter tuning.


If you find this repo useful, please cite

  title={Multimodal pre-training framework for sequential recommendation via contrastive learning},
  author={Zhang, Lingzi and Zhou, Xin and Zeng, Zhiwei and Shen, Zhiqi},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11879},


The implementation is based on the UniSRec and the open-source recommendation library RecBole.