This repository is a dumping ground for random code fragments written for fun, as a demo of a specific language feature, solution of a programming puzzle etc.
- birthday-paradox: A solution to the birthday paradox with Incanter.
- ec2-reports: Plotting EC2 box usage with Incanter. Written for a previous job.
- github-stats: Parsing and plotting Github stats with Incanter.
- midi: Exploring the Java MIDI libraries.
- processing: Experiment in using Processing from Clojure.
- rss: An RSS enclosure downloader.
- ycombinator: Derivation of the Y combinator.
- multiplication.lisp: A function for generating multiplaction tables. Written for a challenge on the forums.
- mp3.erl: An ID3v1 parser to demonstrate binary pattern matching.
- A simple closed-form Fibonacci method.
- quiz.m: A "guess the number" game.
- factorize.rkt: Tail recursive factorization in Scheme.
Descriptions to come.
- card_dealer.rb:
- currying.rb:
- date_cipher.rb:
- enumerable_filter.rb:
- hash_with_derivative_values.rb:
- isbn.rb:
- itunes_lyrics.rb:
- lazy_lists.rb:
- money_change.rb:
- proc_puzzle.rb:
- random_char.rb:
- safari_tweet.rb:
- simhash.rb:
- subarray_sum.rb:
- substition_cipher.rb:
- word_count.rb:
- little-helper: Application for people receiving hourly wages.
- manwithhat: A small app which can display either the current xkcd comic or a random one.
- rotten: Little ROT13 encoder, mainly written to demonstrate how to use the clipboard from within a Shoes application.
- sherlocktweet: Simple Twitter search, written to demonstrate gem usage in Shoes.