
A sample Bitcoin API app that shows its current value in different currencies.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Bitcoin API


A sample Bitcoin API app that shows the current value of this cryptocurrency in a list of different currencies. This app uses Bitcoin Average API to fetch data and was completed as an assignment for Seneca College course in iOS Mobile Application Development by using fundamental principles as follows:

  • GCD and multi-threading
  • UIPickerView
  • GET Request, API & Web Services
  • Parsing JSON
  • Error Handling

Language: Swift
Assignment for: Seneca College - iOS Mobile Application Development course


Bitcoin Average API: https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/


You need to replace you unique API Key for Bitcoin Average API in the following static property of the BitcoinAPI class. This projects needs no additional setup.

static let apiKey = "ENTER API KEY HERE"


Feel free to contribute to Bitcoin API. Fork and clone this repository, then make a pull request once you have pushed your changes.




Bitcoin API is available under the MIT License.