
A movie database app written in Swift that allows users to search for movies, then add them to their watch list or favourite list.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

The Movie Manager


A movie database app that was completed as an assignment for Udacity course, Become an iOS Developer. This app is based on The Movie Database (TMDB) API that pracitices networking concepts including:

  • Authentication, OAuth and API interaction
  • URLSession & dataTask
  • Code Refactoring & Generics
  • JSON & Codable Structs
  • RESTful API & Web Services
  • Network Requests - GET, POST & DELETE
  • Common Networking challenges and Error-Handling

Language: Swift Assignment for: Udacity - Become an iOS Developer


The Movie Database API: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction


You need to replace your unique API Key for The Movie Database API in the following static property of the TMDBClient class. This projects needs no additional setup.

static let apiKey = "Enter Your API Key Here"


Feel free to contribute to The Movie Manager. Fork and clone this repository, then make a pull request once you have pushed your changes.




The Movie Manager is available under the MIT License.