
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This was a hackathon project I worked on with 3 team members. It was presented at Connected Labs IBM Watson Hackathon - Toronto 2016.

The information below is from our submission at DevPost for that specific Hackathon


How often have you met a highschool (or first year post-secondary) student who had no idea what to do with their life? We thought it would be great if such a service exist where we can give simple advising on the spot for such teenagers and give them suggestions on what might be a good career for them on the long run.

What it does

The application follows a simple process: Interview the user (using different ways) to get as much information possible, then analyze the information using IBM's Watson Cognitive abilities (on IBM's Bluemix), create a list of personal traits, then match that against a Database of personal traits associated with various careers/majors.

Challenges we ran into

While the whole hackathon was pure fun, we did run into few speed-bumps, the greatest was the lack of documentation and examples of the IBM Watson APIs. We understand that the whole platform is in "beta" and we were expecting it to be rough around the corners.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Let me list the things we had no clue about beforehand, and ended up learning through the Hackathon's weekend: IBM Watson Cognitive Services, IBM Bluemix, Node.js, MaterializeCSS, jQuery, CSS3 Animations, FireBase DB (we didn't use it in the final product, though).

Team Name: Quantum Potato