
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository will be used to hold the source code and instructions for configuring an App Connect Enterprise software plugin message flow node for integrating with the iSeries platform. Previously this capability has been provided for IIBv10 as IBM Support Pac IAM7: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24030516


Many companies run their business on packaged or home-grown applications deployed on a System i Application system. Some of these applications don’t provide service interfaces to integrate them with other applications so there is still the need for some kind of adapters to enable these applications for service orientation. IBM IIB V10 and IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) V11 provide a large set of functions that enables architects and developers to build interface logic and service bus functions and run them on the same infrastructure. This results in lower cost of ownership for the middleware infrastructure and reuse of development and administration skills.

This SupportPac delivers a set of IIB (or ACE) extension nodes which can be used to create integration scenarios between message flows and iSeries applications without extensive coding.

This repository supplies App Connect Enterprise software plugin message flow nodes that allow connection to programs and data queues on IBM System I (Power Systems including AS/400, iSeries, and System I).

The supplied version had been developed on Microsoft Windows (V7 currently) but should run on Linux X86 too.


This plug-in is designed for people who:

• need to implement integration scenarios between IBM IIB V10 or IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) V11 and iSeries programs (ILE RPG or Cobol) and iSeries data queues.


To use the plug-in, you need to be familiar with IBM IIB V10 or IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) V11 and IBM System I.

Additional readings

  • Java for RPG Programmers Authors: Coulthard P., Farr G. ISBN: 193118206X
  • jtOpen - the open source version of IBM Toolbox for Java Web
  • IBM IIB InfoCenter