
Hash map with open-addressing

Primary LanguageC++

Fast hash table implementation


Required to impelement hash table with decreased amount of dynamic memory allocations (new operator calls). Implemented hash table must provide API to overriding comparator and hash function.

Implementation description

Main idea

Main idea to decrease new calls count is to use hash table with open addressing instead classic hash table with chaining. In this repo implemented variation of hash table published in article on habr with internal table size equal to power of 2 for fast mod computation. Another option - use prime numbers for table size can decrease table's memory footprint is harder to implement and leads to longer mod computation.


To use this hash map user need to include header file with custom_map implementation.

custom_map provides following base methods:

  • insert
  • erase
  • search which returnz Iterator on found object (or end otherwise)

Also, it's possible to provide own custom hash function and comparator as template args like in std::unordered_map.



Added only simple tests for integer keys.



g++ -std=c++17 -pedantic -Wall test.cpp -o run



Work done and tested on Linux OS.

Made by Maksim Bronnikov