python3 -m pip install pdftk-wrapper
Has been tested with python>=3.8
This is a Python wrapper over pdftk. At present it supports only removing pages from a pdf. Example of a run:
pdftk-remove-pages ./tests/sample_1.pdf 1,3-195 ./gitignore_sample_1.pdf
Assuming the file sample_1.pdf
has 195 pages. The above would remove the first page, and pages 3 up to 195 and output the resulting pdf to gitignore_sample_1.pdf
. So the resulting file gitignore_sample_1.pdf
would just contain one page which was the second page in sample_1.pdf
$ pdftk-remove-pages --help
usage: pdftk-remove-pages [-h] input_file page_string output_file
A wrapper over pdftk to remove pages from a pdf.
positional arguments:
input_file Path to the pdf file to remove pages from.
page_string Remove specific pages from the pdf. Example: 1-10,13,15-20,32
output_file Path of the output file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Q: Why did I write this when the operation can be done with a pdftk command?
A: In order to remove two pages (say 5, 8) from a 10-paged pdf, I would have to know how many pages there are in the pdf, and write something like:
pdftk A.pdf cat 1-4 6-7 9-10 output B.pdf
This is quite cumbersome and takes a bunch of cognitive-load to write and ultimately can be distracting. With this wrapper, which in effect will run the very same command, we'd have to just write:
pdftk-remove-pages A.pdf 5,8 B.pdf
Also, even after using pdftk for many years, I had to always refer to the manual page to do simple operations like above, which made me write this.