
This will introduce R users to the Distill format for R Markdown, for scientific communication and building websites.

Primary LanguageR


This will introduce R users to the Distill format for R Markdown, for scientific communication and building websites.

If you just want the slides, go here, though admittedly, like most slides, they are likely not going to be very useful without the context.

If attending the workshop, run the following in your R session to get the associated RStudio project. If you want, change the destdir to save the project in a specific place (not necessary, should default to desktop). It will open the RStudio project for you.

install.packages('usethis')  # if you don't have it

  destdir = NULL

If you have issues, just download that zip file (click or paste the link above into your browser), unzip it to a location of your choosing, then:

  • Click on the blue .Rproj icon inside


  • With RStudio - File/Open Project - Navigate to the folder - Open

With your RStudio project set up, you may install Distill via install.packages('distill'), and are ready to participate.