This is a simple web application to track daily incomes and expenses, where user can sign up, sign in, add, remove or edit the income or expense details.
- sign up, sign in
- email verification, forgot password
- responsive web design
- pagination
- secured REST end points
- jwt token based authentication
- CRUD operations
- Spring Boot 2.3.0
- Maven
- MySQL Workbench (click here for download)
For Database:
- open MySQL Workbench.
- create a new database named as "db_budget_manager".
For Spring Boot application:
- open and replace all "TODO" with your configuration.
- run command "mvn install".
- run command "mvn spring-boot:run".
Secure Route: /api/items/**
1. API Description for User related action
base = /api
POST | /register | new user registration |
POST | /login | user login |
GET | /email-verification | verifying email address |
POST | /request-password-reset | sending password reset link to registered email |
POST | /password-reset | reset the password |
2. API Description for Item(Income or Expense)
base = /api/items
GET | / | get all items |
POST | /{category} | create new item |
PUT | /{category}/{id} | update item |
DELETE | /{category}/{id} | delete item |
{category} = income OR expense
I'm always happy to hear your feedback! 😊