
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node task

Final architecture

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Early Concept

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  • api-gateway - gateway for request from outside world, handles request auth and communication between microservices
    • expose 80 port with GET /feed
    • communication with users and feed via RMQ-RPC
  • users - should handle users related actions, in scope of this task the only action exposed by this service is fetching user by id for api-gateway authorization purposes
    • database mongo chosen due to ease of scaling and non-relation data, port is exposed to host due to development purposes (connecting with external database tools)
  • feed - should handle fetching user feed (in scope of a task), in a current version it's also storing information about when user fetched the feed last time.
    • casandra is chosen because feed will be spammed with inserts and reads, it scales well and is prepared for heavy writes scenarios
    • casandra database with exposed port for development purposes, in real env should be only internal
  • posts - should handle all posts related logic but in scope of node task it was not necessary to implement at all, because all posts data are pre-loaded inside feed service database as feed entries
  • feed-worker - not implement due to nature of task, it was not necessary to insert/update/delete posts (thus to create feed entries). If posts crud was required, then feed-worker must be implemented to handle communication and expensive upserts in cassandra. Then it can be implemented like this:
    1. User add post via -> POST /posts in api gateway
    2. Gateway sends RMQ task to posts service
    3. Post service consumes event and fetch related users to the post (from post service by RMQ-RPC) and sends RMQ task to feed
    4. Feed service consumes event and create tasks for feed workers
    5. Feed worker upserts data into feed

Docker Networks

  • app-network - all services are inside external app-network provided by main docker-compose file (with RabbitMQ container), this allows communication with external docker-compose projects/services

Known issues

  • project is a monorepo solution, but does not use solution like lerna. In this simple case it was not necessary to use it, but in a large project I would like to have that, or git-submodule option.
  • there are minor code duplications, like RabbitMQModule. In bigger project there should be something like @shared package or common repository with all common modules, interfaces, responses etc
  • there are minor code quality inconsistencies issues regarding a configuration of queues
  • e2e testing is lacking of test for creating new feed entry (command for that is already prepared, but is not connected)
  • databases and rabbit are exposed for host for development purposes
  • use of generated mongo ids style, should be uuid4
  • validation of data transfered between services is not done, it can be done by class-validator

Known architecture problems/bottleneck

  • I do not like the current implementation of user-latest-feed-fetch placed in feed service, it is a bottleneck, but I struggled to find a better place where it should be implemented. Now after implementation of this version, I think the correct way will be to store lastFetchAt datetime in User entity, and later on pass date to feed service (user data in already in api-gateway due to auth), and feed service after sending fetching feed entries should create async task for user service to update lastFetchAt

Run build environment and run e2e test

chmod -R +x scripts && ./scripts/down.sh && ./scripts/up.sh && ./scripts/seed.sh && ./scripts/e2e.sh

expected output

 PASS  test/app.e2e-spec.ts (5.047 s)
  FeedController (e2e)
    ✓ /feed (GET) and should fail on auth (281 ms)
    ✓ /feed (GET) and get two feed entries (92 ms)
    ✓ /feed (GET) and get zero feed entries (1085 ms)
    ✓ as user with empty feed /feed (GET) and get zero feed entries (77 ms)


 PASS  test/after-feed-upsert.e2e-spec.ts
  FeedController (e2e)
    ✓ after seeding /feed (GET) and get one feed entry (287 ms)
    ✓ after seeding /feed (GET) and zero feed entries (79 ms)


GET /api/

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