
Task management system

Primary LanguagePython


"I have plenty things to do!"

Planty is an open-source task management app inspired by Todoist and GTD system.

(not yet released)

How to run

Prerequisites: Docker (with compose plugin)

git clone https://github.com/m-danya/planty
cd planty
cp .env.sample .env

sudo apt install python3.11 python3.11-venv
python3.11 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
poetry install

# run migrations
alembic upgrade head

# (backend is not dockerized yet)
# run "FastAPI" configuration in VS code or:
uvicorn planty.main:app --reload

Switching between database engines

By default, the SQLite engine is used for persistence, but you can easily switch to PostgreSQL: change DB_TYPE in .env file to postgresql and run PostgreSQL with docker compose up -d.

Run tests and type checking

mypy .

Run linting & formatting

(or just use Ruff extension for VS Code)

ruff check --extend-select I --fix
ruff format