
This Python script demonstrates a simple implementation of steganography.

Primary LanguagePython

Steganography Project

This project implements a steganography technique to hide a sentence in both an image and a text file. The required sentence is based on the student's first name and student ID, which is then converted into a binary stream and embedded within the chosen files.

Project Structure

├── img_24_bit_depth_steganography
│   ├── Cameraman_graycale.jpg
│   ├── encoded_image.png
├── text_file_steganography
│   ├── Original_text.txt
│   ├── text_after_steganography.txt
├── sentence_details
│   ├── details.txt
│   ├── details.docx
├── steganography.py
├── README.md

How It Works

  1. Sentence Conversion to Binary Stream: The sentence, constructed from the student's first name and ID, is converted into a 7-bit binary stream.
  2. Embedding in Image: The binary stream is embedded into the least significant bits of the RGB values of the image.
  3. Embedding in Text: The binary stream is embedded into a text file by replacing single spaces with double spaces where needed.
  4. Saving Details: The details of the sentence, including its binary and integer ASCII representations, are saved into both a text file and a Word document.

Detailed Steps

Step 1: Convert Sentence to Binary Stream

The function sentence_to_binary(sentence) converts each character in the sentence to its 7-bit ASCII representation and concatenates these binary values to form a single binary stream.

Step 2: Embed Binary Stream in Image

The function embed_bits_in_image(image_path, binary_stream) performs the following:

  • Opens the image and converts it to RGB mode if necessary.
  • Checks if the binary stream can fit within the image pixels.
  • Iterates through the image pixels, embedding each bit of the binary stream into the least significant bit of the RGB channels.
  • Saves the modified image.

Step 3: Embed Binary Stream in Text

The function embed_bits_in_text(text_file_path, binary_stream) performs the following:

  • Reads the original text file.
  • Iterates through the text, replacing single spaces with double spaces based on the binary stream.
  • Writes the modified text to a new file.

Step 4: Save Sentence Details

The function save_to_file(sentence, binary_stream) performs the following:

  • Writes the sentence details to a text file.
  • Creates a Word document containing a table with the sentence details.


  • Python 3.x
  • PIL (Pillow)
  • python-docx

You can install the required libraries using pip:

pip install Pillow python-docx


  1. Ensure your files are in the correct directories:

    • Place your image file in ./img_24_bit_depth_steganography/ and update image_path in the script.
    • Place your original text file in ./text_file_steganography/ and update text_file_path in the script.
  2. Update the first_name and student_id variables in the main() function with your details.

  3. Run the script:

python steganography.py
  1. Check the generated files:
    • Encoded image: ./img_24_bit_depth_steganography/encoded_image.png
    • Text after steganography: ./text_file_steganography/text_after_steganography.txt
    • Sentence details:
      • Text file: ./sentence_details/details.txt
      • Word document: ./sentence_details/details.docx


For a student named "Mohamed" with ID "221101060":

  • The sentence is Mohamed_221101060$
  • The 7-bit ASCII binary stream is generated and embedded into both an image and a text file.


  • Ensure the image is large enough to accommodate the binary stream.
  • The text file should have sufficient spaces to encode the binary stream without altering the content drastically.


Mohamed Essam