
WebApp about searching for job adverts built with django

Primary LanguagePython


WebApp about searching for job adverts built with django


The main idea of the project is to operate as platform for job searching. You can register as company to add job adverts or as applicant to search for your next job. When logged in as a company you will be able to edit your profile, add/edit your job adverts and review applications for them. When you are in the role of an applicant you are able to browse all companies, visit their profile pages, filter/search in all job adverts by category/name/salary, and apply to them.

Main Objects

User / Profile

JobDiscoverUser - extended from AbstractBaseUser:

  • email - username field
  • password
  • is_active - flag for active user
  • is_staff - can login in admin
  • is_company - flag for company type
  • is_applicant - flag for applicant type

CompanyProfile - one-to-one relationship with JobDiscoverUser

  • user - one-to-one rel. used as PK
  • name
  • description
  • bulstat
  • website
  • company_icon
  • company_banner

ApplicantProfile - one-to-one relationship with JobDiscoverUser

  • user - one-to-one rel. used as PK
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • bio
  • profile_image

Job - model for job advert

  • user - foreign-key JobDiscoverUser
  • title
  • description
  • date_created - used in JobList view
  • category - category field with predifined choices
  • type - multiselect field with predifined choices
  • salary
  • image

Application - model for applications

  • motivational_letter
  • cv - file with cv .docx or .pdf
  • job - foreign-key to Job
  • applicant - foreign-key to ApplicantProfile
  • company - foreign-ket to CompanyProfile

DB scheme


Getting Started


Needed packages can be found in requirements.txt

  • PostrgreSql


For bugs and help please contact me at my email


Author: Martin Evtimov Contact me at: m.evtimov196@gmail.com

Version History

  • 1.0
    • Initial Release
  • 1.1
    • Added reset password functionality

Planed updates

  • Favourite job adverts functionality
  • My applications tab for applicants


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.