
Google Drive File status retriever bot. Informs your team of the last time a file was edited. - !fileinfo : Shows folder name, last file added in it and when - !last: Shows the last edited folder (folder with the last added file)

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🐺 Beowulf File Retriever Bot 🐺

Image Beowulf-Bot is a Discord bot that gets its namesake from Beowulf, a character from the fighting game Skullgirls (cause he's my favorite, there's really not much thought here).

Retrieves Google Drive file status and provide updates to your team about the last time a file was edited. Uses commands like !fileinfo and !last, helping keep track of file activity within specified folders. Image


  • !fileinfo: Displays the folder name, the last file added in it, and when it was last edited.
  • !last: Shows the last edited folder, indicating the folder with the most recently added file.


To use Beowulf Bot and run it from your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up Google Cloud Project:

    • Create a project in the Google Cloud Console.
    • Obtain the clientId and clientSecret for authentication.
  2. Configure Discord Bot:

    • Create a Discord bot account and obtain the bot token.
    • Invite the bot to your Discord server.
  3. Configuration:

    • Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
    • Add the Google Drive folder IDs, Discord bot token, clientId, and clientSecret to the appropriate configuration files.
  4. Running the Bot:

    • Start the bot using node Beowulf-code.js while being in the same directory.
  5. Setting it up:

    • While it is running, go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser, connect it with the account that contains the project.
    • The token should be initialized and now will not need any interference.
  6. Interacting with the Bot:

    • Use the !fileinfo and !last commands in Discord to retrieve file status updates.
    • Other available commands include !refreshtoken, which manually refreshes the token incase something goes wrong.


In order to run Beowulf, you need to provide the following configurations:

  • Google Drive Folder IDs: Specify the folder IDs for the folders you want to monitor.
  • Discord Bot Token: Token obtained from Discord for your bot account.
  • Google Cloud Project Credentials:
    • clientId: Client ID obtained from the Google Cloud Console.
    • clientSecret: Client secret obtained from the Google Cloud Console.
  • Make sure to not forget to connect your Google account containing the project while initializing it!


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Disclaimer: Beowulf-Bot is a fan-made project and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Skullgirls or its developers.