This code creates a dashboard for tracking your BEAT81 workout results. It shows the sweat and recovery points for each workout over time and across each workout type. Additionally, this dashboard also helps you to spot any seasonal or cyclical patterns in the points by showing the autocorrelations in the data. New features will be added.
- The code is using Python 3.10. For this code to run the packages listed in the requirements.txt file need to be installed. If you are new to python, see below for a brief description "how to install packages" from the requirements.txt file.
- You will need to create your own excel sheet that contains your workout results. Currently the BEAT81 website does not publish the sweat and recovery points and so for now you need to acquire this data manually. Potentially I'll add a possibility to scrape data directly from the app.
Download the contents of this repository, which includes an example dataset B81.xlsx
, the code file
and the requirements.txt
file. Put all files in the same folder and do not rename them.
Create an excel file with your past Beat81 workout results. It needs to be in the same format as the example dataset B81.xlsx
Open a terminal window, navigate to the folder where you saved the files and write streamlit run
. The dashboard will open in a new window. Have fun!
- In terminal, navigate to folder where files are located
- Create virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
- Activate virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt