
Heroku link NB: Replace this link after Lily's super cool Heroku lecture.

Minimum Viable Product

Quorum is a Quora-inspired web application built using Ruby on Rails & React.js. Quorum allows users to:

  • Create an account.
  • Log in / Log out.
  • CRUD questions.
  • CRUD answers for questions.
  • CRUD comments on answers.
  • A user can follow questions, topics, and users. This adds the subject's activity to the user's home feed.
  • A user can view different feeds based on topic & user.
  • Tag questions with multiple 'topics' and search questions by 'topics' (tags).
  • Search through questions & answers for blocks of text.
  • Apply complex styling to questions/answers while editing (embedded images, basic styling, formatted lists) [N.B.: I have no idea how to do this].
  • Voting functionality: I am uncertain how to approach up/downvoting; I will consider it a bonus feature for the time being.
  • Infinite scroll: I have no clue how to do this but it absolutely seems implementable and achievable, especially because it is referenced in this sample proposal.

Design Docs

Component Heirarchy:

  • App
  • Questions Index (Index Route)
  • - [ ] Question Form
  • - [ ] Question Index Item
  • Topics Index
  • - [ ] Topics Index Item
  • User Page Index (index of a user's activity: votes, comments, questions, answers)
  • - [ ] User Page Index Item

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, Question Model and JSON API (2 days)

In Phase 1, I will begin by implementing user signup and authentication using BCrypt. There will be a basic landing page after signup that will contain the container for the application's root React component. Before building out the front end, I will begin by setting up a full JSON API for Questions.

  • Create an account
  • Log in / Log out


Phase 2: Flux Architecture and Question CRUD (2 days)

Phase 2 is focused on setting up Flux, the React Router, and the React view structure for the main application. After the basic Flux architecture has been set up, a Question store will be implemented and a set of actions corresponding to the needed CRUD functionality created. Once this is done, I will create React views for the Questions Index, IndexItem and Form. At the end of Phase 2, Questions can be created, read, edited and destroyed in the browser.


Phase 3: Topic and Tags (2 days)

Phase 3 adds organization to the Questions. Questions belong to a Topics, which have their own Index views. Create JSON API for Topics. Questions can also now be tagged with multiple tags. Users can bring up quetions in a separate SearchIndex view by searching for their tags. Once the tag search is implemented, I will extend this to a fuzzy search through every Question's content.


Phase 4: Allow Complex Styling in Question (1 day)

Using quill.js, allow for complex styling of questions?

N.B.: I am including this step because it is a big part of Quora's functionality, but I am not sure how to do it, and have never heard of quill.js. I would appreciate any advice from the staff, naturally.


Phase 5: Styling Cleanup and Seeding (2 days)

I will do all of the styling. I also will try to figure out bonus features.


Bonus Features (TBD)

  • Prettify transitions
  • Use javascript library for cleaner tag selection
  • Pagination / infinite scroll for Indeces
  • Complex styling for questions/answers
  • Voting interaction