
Code for the Foundations of Math course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Code for "Foundations of Mathematics"

This is code for the course Foundations of Mathematics at the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University.

It requires Python 3 to run.

What's in here?

  • Generate random systems of linear equations (uniquely solvable, inconsistent, underconstrained). Start with python web.py and navigate to /linear-equations.html.


Push to Heroku with git push heroku master. (Not main - this Github repository still calls the main branch "master".)

If you get the error "heroku does not appear to be a git repository", register Heroku as a Git remote with heroku git:remote -a foundations-math.

If the log says "no web processes running", spin up a dyno with heroku ps:scale web=1.