
A Simple C++ Project Template

Primary LanguageCMake

C++ Project Template

A small template for quickly starting a new C++ project.

External Tools

Name Purpose
VS Code IDE and interactive debugger
git Source control
cmake Build system
ninja cmake generator/build system backend
googletest testing framework

Project Structure

|_ .vscode        # IDE configuration
|_ configure      # Helper script to setup the project
|_ CMakeLists.txt # Build configuration 
|_ include        # Shared header files
|_ src            # Source files
|_ tests          # Test source files
|_ ext            # External/third party dependencies
|_ scratch        # Directory for works in progress/local debugging/testing code and data
|_ build          # Build artifacts
   |_ debug       # Debug build 
   |_ release     # Release build


# building a debug build
cmake --build build/debug

# building a release build
cmake --build build/release

Running Tests

# Compile tests 
cmake --build build/debug --target tests

# Run the test targets


This project defines three targets :

project        # an executable 
project_shared # shared code in this project, compiled as a static lirbary
tests          # unit testsd

Debugging in VS Code

A default launch configuration for debugging the tests and project targets is provided. Launch by hitting F5 to debug with GDB on Linux.

The launch configuration, .vscode/launch.json should be updated if the names of targets change, new targets are added, or for different platforms.