


The site is deployed using Vercel Now.

Environment variables for reCAPTCHA, WebRTC, logging, pub-sub, dictionary, npm and GTag are found in the Project Settings.

Note that this is a single-user Vercel account, for which the requisite credentials are required to see those environment variables.


The master branch deploys to the live website, https://m-ld.org. This should only change by pull request. The edge branch is for live development and deploys to https://edge.m-ld.org.

The domains are set in the reCAPTCHA admin console.


To update content:

  1. Clone this repo locally.
  2. Switch to the edge branch by entering git switch edge.
  3. Create a new local branch for the changes by entering git switch -c <my-new-branch>.

To run locally:

  1. Install now and set auth credentials.
  2. now env pull to create a local file ".env" in the root.
  3. Adjust the log level if required, e.g. LOG=TRACE.
  4. npm run local

Alternatively, to run locally without the demo or playground:

  1. Enter npm install to update dependencies.
  2. Run npx @11ty/eleventy --serve to create a new build and serve it on http://localhost:8080

After any changes to dependencies (for say, the demo, or the playground), use source-map-explorer to check that the bundle is not adversely affected, e.g. (if installed globally):

source-map-explorer _site/demo/demo.js --no-border-checks

Once local changes are complete and satisfactory:

  1. Push commits to the GitHub repo.
  2. Create a PR in GitHub for review before edge is merged with master.


Logging is activated for local demo boards in the .env file in the project root (also used for secrets, see above).

Any demo board in the world can have logging activated (or any other config changes) by adding a JSON configuration file to the config folder on the public m-ld/message-board-demo repo. This file is used as the basis for a board's MeldAblyConfig.

Logs are shipped to the m-ld.io Ltd account at Logz.io.

browser compatibility

Browser compatibility is checked with Modernizr, using a generated build modernizr-custom.js. See the file header comment for the checked features.


This repository is the source of truth for the m-ld and m-ld.io logos.



There is also a small png version, which is generated using myScale.

m-ld.io small
