We are group of researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) interested in topics at the intersections of health, machine learning, privacy, ethics, and security. We aspire to build usable privacy-enhancing systems that can be readily deployed in healthcare domains. We pursue a variety of projects and collaborations in different domains, some of which are detailed below.

Current projects

Applications of our research


Our research team includes:

We work with a fantastic group of students:

  • Matheus Stolet (CS MSc)
  • Ahmed Abdelmoneim (CS Honors)
  • Kalli Leung (Directed studies, USRA'20)
  • Chris West (CS Honours)
  • Chris Yoon (Med student)
  • Daisy Zhang (Directed studies, SURE'20)

Student alumni:

  • Aditya Chinchure (WLIUR'20)

Recent publications

  • “Development and validation of the gene-expression Predictor of high-grade-serous Ovarian carcinoma molecular subTYPE (PrOTYPE)”. A Talhouk, J George, C Wang, T Budden, T Z Tan, P D P Pharoah, G E Konecny, E L Goode, S J Ramus, J A Doherty, DD Bowtell, M S Anglesio, and the Ovarian Tumor Tissye Analysis Consortium. (2020). Clinical Cancer Research, to appear.
  • "Privacy Accounting and Quality Control in the Sage Differentially Private ML Platform." Mathias Lécuyer, Riley Spahn, Kiran Vodrahalli, Roxana Geambasu, Daniel Hsu. (SOSP 2019)
  • "The Limitations of Federated Learning in Sybil Settings." Clement Fung, Chris J.M. Yoon, Ivan Beschastnikh. (RAID 2020)
  • "Private data sharing between decentralized users through the PrivGAN architecture. Jean-Francois Rajotte, Raymond T. Ng (PriSEM 2020)"


We are grateful to NSERC, MSFHR, CIHR, UBC Data Science Intitute, and UBC Faculty of Science for their support.