
Common Selenium tests.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


End-to-end testing framework for websites. The Turing package is built upon:

  • Lmc\Steward
  • Facebook\WebDriver
  • League\Uri
  • Vlucas\Dotenv

Turing provides a base class for writing Selenium WebDriver tests as Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest as well as a test runner turing.


Turing should usually be installed as a development depencency. Make sure the silverorange composer repository is added to the composer.json for the project and then run:

composer require --dev silverorange/turing

Test Runner

After installing Turing as a dev dependency you can run tests with:


There are no command line arguments as all configuration is handled via environment variables. Tests are found in the tests/ directory.

Writing Tests

Test should extend Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest. This base class takes care of connecting to WebDriver and provides syntax sugar to make writing WebDriver commands easier. For example:


use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;

class MyTest extends AbstractTestCase
    public function testFoo()

        // Turing provides syntax sugar for getting WebDriverElements.
        $this->getById('bar')->type('this is a test');

Tests may also use provided components for high-level access to common widgets:


use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;
use Silverorange\Turing\Components\DateEntry;

class MyTest extends AbstractTestCase
    public function testFoo()

        // Components for common widgets are provided.
        (new DateEntry($this->wd, $this->findById('start_date')))


Test Configuration

Turing is configured with environment variables. This allows maximum flexibility when running in continuous integration environments.

Available environment variables are:

  • CONTENT_PATH - where to load fixture data. tests/content by default.
  • DATABASE_DSN - PDO DSN for DB connection.
  • SCREENSHOTS_PATH - where to store test screenshots. tests/screenshots by default.
  • SELENIUM_BROWSER - required. Browser to test.
  • SELENIUM_HEADLESS - If defined and truthy, run in headless mode.
  • SELENIUM_SERVER_URL - required. Selenium server URL.
  • SELENIUM_URL - required. Base URL to test.
  • SELENIUM_WIDTH - browser width. 800 by default.
  • SELENIUM_HEIGHT - browser height. 600 by default.
  • SELENIUM_MOBILE_WIDTH - mobile browser width. 320 by default.
  • SELENIUM_MOBILE_HEIGHT - mobile browser height. 583 by default.
  • STEWARD_LOGS_PATH - Where test logs are stored. tests/logs by default.

Turing can use a .env file to load configuration. The file tests/.env is used to set environment variables if it exists. In keeping with the principles of the 12 Factor App, the file should not be committed to version control. An example file named tests/.env.example may be committed to version control instead.


Many of Turing's test features are provided as optional traits.


This provides a method to assert the current page has no errors.



use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;
use Silverorange\Turing\Assertions\NoErrorsTrait;

class MyTest extends AbstractTest
    use NoErrorsTrait;

    public function testFoo()


This provides the ability to validate the current page URL or other URLs. The base URL is used for relative URLs and is controlled with the environment variable SELENIUM_URL.



use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;
use Silverorange\Turing\Assertions\UrlTrait;

class MyTest extends AbstractTest
    use UrlTrait;

    public function testFoo()


This provides a PDO database connection for each test method. The database DSN is configured with the DATABASE_DSN environment variable.



use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;
use Silverorange\Turing\Database\DatabaseTrait;

class MyTest extends AbstractTest
    use DatabaseTrait;

    public function testFoo()
        $this->db->query('insert into foo (title) values (\'test\')');



This provides the ability to load file content for test fixtures. File content is loaded from tests/content by default and can be overridden with the CONTENT_PATH environment variable.



use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;
use Silverorange\Turing\Fixture\ContentTrait;

class MyTest extends AbstractTest
    use ContentTrait;

    public function testFoo()


This provides the ability to take screenshots or whole pages or sections of a page. Screenshots are saved to tests/screenshots by default and can be overridden with the SCREENSHOTS_PATH environment variable.



use Silverorange\Turing\Tests\AbstractTest;
use Silverorange\Turing\Screenshot\ScreenshotTrait;

class MyTest extends AbstractTest
    use ScreenshotTrait;

    public function testFoo()
        $this->takeScreenshotById('my_element', 'filename');