k8s getting started labs:

this repo includes some stuff used when trying k8s for the first time



Nginx Ingress Controller:



1- First Pod: create a pod and expose it over node port.

  • create pod
$ kubectl apply -f pods/nginx-pod-1.yml
  • create a service to expose your pod
$ kubectl apply -f services/nginx-service-1.yml

2- First Deployment:

create a deployment of nginx with 3 rplicas

$ kubectl apply -f deployments/nginx-deployment-1.yml

3- Create a Config Map:

this config map will contain nginx config, ssl cert and key to be used to deploy nginx

$ kubectl apply -f configmaps/nginx-ssl-1.yml

4- Nginx SSL Deployment:

will use the created config map to create a volume and mount it in nginx containers

$ kubectl apply -f deployments/nginx-ssl-deployment-1.yml

5- Check your Deployment History

$ kubectl rollout history deploy nginx-deployment

6- Rollback to Previous Deployment

$ kubectl rollout undo deploy nginx-deployment