This package contains the following datasets:
: dataset resulting from merging the ISO-3166 and the UN Region Codes.isocurrency
: ISO 4217 currency codes combined with ISO 3166 country codes for easy joining.
Package is insipred by the ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes project.
You can install the released version of isocountry from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
isocountry |>
left_join(isocurrency, by = join_by(alpha_2 == country_code))
#> # A tibble: 263 × 18
#> name alpha_2 alpha_3 country_code iso_3166_2 is_independent region_code
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <int>
#> 1 Afghanist… AF AFG 004 ISO 3166-… TRUE 142
#> 2 Åland Isl… AX ALA 248 ISO 3166-… FALSE 150
#> 3 Albania AL ALB 008 ISO 3166-… TRUE 150
#> 4 Algeria DZ DZA 012 ISO 3166-… TRUE 2
#> 5 American … AS ASM 016 ISO 3166-… FALSE 9
#> 6 Andorra AD AND 020 ISO 3166-… TRUE 150
#> 7 Angola AO AGO 024 ISO 3166-… TRUE 2
#> 8 Anguilla AI AIA 660 ISO 3166-… FALSE 19
#> 9 Antarctica AQ ATA 010 ISO 3166-… FALSE NA
#> 10 Antigua a… AG ATG 028 ISO 3166-… TRUE 19
#> # ℹ 253 more rows
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: region_name <chr>, subregion_code <int>,
#> # subregion_name <chr>, intermediate_region_code <int>,
#> # intermediate_region_name <chr>, m49_code <int>, currency_name <chr>,
#> # currency_code <chr>, currency_number <chr>, country_name <chr>,
#> # country_number <chr>