
A PHP library that implements secure "Remember me" cookies

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Secure "Remember Me"

This library implements the best practices for implementing a secure "Remember Me" functionality on web sites. Login information and unique secure tokens are stored in a cookie. If the user visits the site, the login information from the cookie is compared to information stored on the server. If the tokens match, the user is logged in. A user can have login cookies on several computers/browsers.

Upgrading to Version 5.x

Starting from v5.0.0, this library uses declare(strict_types=1);, is only compatible with PHP 8.0 and above and comes with changed default values:

  • SHA-2 (256) is used instead of SHA-1
  • The token is encoded using URL safe base64 (instead of hex)
  • The token separator is now URL safe (credential may now contain the token separator)
  • The token length was increased from 16 to 32 bytes

While the hash algorithm, token length and token encoding can be configured, the separator is not configurable. The new default values increase the security while decreasing the cookie size. Unfortunately, this makes v5.0.0+ backwards incompatible with older versions. You should clear the token storage, because all old tokens will be detected as invalid.

New option: Configure Token Rotation

The Authenticator class has a new setter setTokenRotationEnabled() (default: true). As the name implies, this will enable or disable the token rotation. This was implemented because of issues with the token rotation:

  • Concurrent requests will submit the same Triplet, but only one will be accepted. The other request will trigger the manipulation detection, because it has the correct permanent token but an invalid one time token.
  • If page loading is canceled either by the user or due to a network problem, the browser may not receive the new Triplet. On the next visit, it tries to submit the old cookie, again with a correct permanent but invalid one time token, and trigger the manipulation detection.

This may lead to users being seemingly "randomly logged out" on all devices. With this option you can decide whether you want maximum security or a better user experience. Note that users could also start ignoring "Your cookie was stolen" warnings if there are (too many) false positives.


For PHP 8.0 or newer, version 5+ will be installed. For PHP 7.4 and older the no longer maintained version 4 will be installed.

composer require mober/rememberme

Usage example

See the example directory for an example. You can run it on your local machine with the command

php -S -t example

To understand the basic application structure, have a look at index.php and the user_is_looged_in.php template.

The example uses the file system to store the tokens on the server side. In most cases it's better to swap the storage with the PDOStorage class.

Database configuration

In order to use a database as storage, you need to provide an instance of PDOStorage:

$storage = new PDOStorage([
    'TableName'             => 'tokens',
    'CredentialColumn'      => 'credential',
    'TokenColumn'           => 'token',
    'PersistentTokenColumn' => 'persistent_token',
    'ExpiresColumn'         => 'expires',
    'Connection'            => /* supply your instance of PDO here */,

$auth = new Authenticator(storage: $storage);

See the directory resources/sql for examples on how to create the schema.

Cookie configuration

By default the cookie is valid for one week and for all paths in the domain it was set. It cannot be accessed/changed via JavaScript and will be transmitted on HTTP connections. If your application requires a different configuration (for example, if you are using HTTPS and want to enhance security by only allowing transmission of the cookie over the secure connection), you can create your own PHPCookie instance:

$expire = strtotime('1 week', 0);

$cookie = new PHPCookie(
    name: 'REMEMBERME',
    expireTime: $expire,
    path: '/',
    domain: 'example.org',
    secure: true,
    httpOnly: true,
    sameSite: 'Lax',

$auth = new Authenticator(cookie: $cookie);

Token security

This library uses the random_bytes function by default to generate a 32-byte token. That should be sufficiently secure for most applications.

If you need more security, instantiate the Authenticator class with a custom token generator. The following example generates Base64-encoded tokens with 64 bytes:

$tokenGenerator = new DefaultToken(64, DefaultToken::FORMAT_BASE64);
$auth = new Authenticator($storage, $tokenGenerator);

If you like even more control over the generation of your random tokens, have a look at the RandomLib. Rememberme has a RandomLibToken class that can use it.

Cleaning up expired tokens

The best way to clean expired tokens from your storage (file system or database) is to write a small script that initializes your token storage class and calls its cleanExpiredTokens method. Run this script regularly with a cron job or other worker method.

If you can't run the cleanup script regularly and have a low-traffic site, you can clean the storage on every page call by initializing the Authenticator class like this:

 $auth = new Authenticator($storage);

How it works

This library is heavily inspired by Barry Jaspan's article "Improved Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice". The library protects against the following attack scenarios:

  • The computer of a user is stolen or compromised, enabling the attacker to log in with the existing "Remember Me" cookie. The user knows this has happened. The user can remotely invalidate all login cookies.
  • An attacker has obtained the "Remember Me" cookie and has logged in with it. The user does not know this. The next time he tries to log in with the cookie that was stolen, he gets a warning and all login cookies are invalidated.
  • An attacker has obtained the database of login tokens from the server. The stored tokens are hashed so he can't use them without computational effort (rainbow tables or brute force).
  • An attacker tries to log in with brute force, by systematically generating "Remember Me" cookies. With the default security settings and 100 tries per second (a very high number which would probably show up in the server logs), it would take 8 months for a 50% chance to guess a cookie value right.