
Website to find your next City travel destination. Build using MySQL, Flask, HTML/CSS, JS and fastAPI

Primary LanguagePython

City Journeys

Project Structure

├── config                  -> Config classes for Database, Static File CDN etc.
├── migrations              -> Alembic Database migrations
│   └── versions
├── public                  -> HTML files used for serving the webpage
│   └── views               -> Interfaces which present information to the user 
├── src                     -> Source files
│   ├── controller          -> Classes which link Views and Models
│   ├── routes              -> URL routes
│   ├── db.py               -> Classes to interact with Databases
│   ├── models.py           -> Database models (e.g. Cities, Countries)
│   ├── schema.py           -> Pydantic models (for data validation of API endpoints)
│   ├── api.py              -> REST API endpoints build using fastAPI
│   ├── utils.py            -> Utility functions that don't fit anywhere else
│   └── router.py           -> Collecting all routes from `routes` folder
└── static                  -> Static ressources used for serving the webpage
    ├── icons
    │   └── filter_icons
    ├── images
    │   ├── cities
    │   ├── country_flags
    │   │   └── svg
    │   ├── images
    │   └── sights
    └── styles              -> CSS style sheets


  • LP: City Gallery
    • Interactive Filter for City Gallery
  • City Page
    • Facts
    • Accomidations
    • Flights
    • Sights
    • Rating
  • Login and User Authenitification


  • LP: City Gallery

    • Create a Database model(s)
    • Load data into Database table(s)
    • Create a View to display images and city information
  • Interactive Filter for City Gallery

    • Create REST API using FastAPI
    • Use REST API to construct CDN URL
  • Optimize City Gallery

    • Load smaller images from CDN
    • Implement "infinite scroll"
  • Create City Page

    • Create basic layout
  • Webserver Security

    • HTTPs certificate