
A general purpose cache for storing objects to disk with standard container like syntax.

Primary LanguageC++


This repository provides a generic cache implementation, modeled after the std::map interface, that can be used to store any object persistently. Through the use of policies, the library can be customized by specifying how logging is performed, how objects are serialized, as well as how concurrent control to entries is handled.

Not only does the cache work for built-in types and user defined types, but there is also a version, PolymorphicCache, that can handles objects that belong to a polymorphic hierarchy. Currently, the polymorphic cache has not yet been modified to use policy classes from it's original implementation, but that should be coming soon.

In future releases, the cache classes will feature a caching algorithm policy to control when and how objects in the cache will be swapped out.

Basic Usage

At first look, with all the policy template arguments defaulted, it looks shockingly similar to a std::map, as was intended, although there are some slight differences that will be noted later.

To create a basic cache object, just pass the key and value type as template arguments. For example:

    mrr::Cache<int, std::string> c;

Next, set the function which generates the filename to store the object, based on the key. This function is used whenever a new object is created, loaded from disk, or removed from disk.

      [](int i) {
        return std::string("data/") + std::to_string(i) + "/value.txt";

Now, to insert new values into the cache, use the insert() function that you are familiar with, passing in a pair with the key and value. This creates the appropriate storage location on disk and saves the value automatically. How the object is serialized will be covered in a later section, just for now, accept that since this is a built in object that has operators << and >> overloaded, it works (but it's not just limited to that, don't worry).

    c.insert(std::make_pair(1, "one"));

Next, you'll probably want to access something in the cache, either in this invocation of the application, or another (just not at the same time... yet). You can do this with the find() function, although the return value is slightly different. Instead of getting a pair back, you will receive an iterator to either the object you requested, or to the end of the container. Since the key type is not stored, you just have to dereference it to get the value, but make sure to compare against the end() of the cache first.

    auto iter = c.find(1);
    if (iter != c.end())
      std::cout << *iter << std::endl;

You can modify the value as you would expect, but note that this operation is not thread safe, even with concurrency control because you are modifying the value outside the scope that the cache has control over. There are other ways of doing this that will be outlined below.

    *iter = "uno";

And finally, save any changes made to the cache to disk:


And that's it, there's the basic usage!

Advanced Usage

Now, I mentoined earlier that I would explain how the objects get serialized to disk, and I mentoined the istream and ostream overloads on the object, but I left out some important information.


Much of the functionality of the cache class is implemented using policy based design, which means that Cache merely provides a shell that composes the functionality of the policies into a coherent unit. You can read about policy based design on Wikipedia to get an overview, and if you want to go in depth, pick up a copy of Andrei Alexandrescu's book Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied, it really is an excellent book, although a bit outdated since the release of C++11.

Even though in the example, there are only 2 template arguments visible, there are actually 5 template arguments to the Cache class, the last 3 being the policy classes for serialization, logging, and concurrency control. I did my best to put them in the order with which people would likely need to manually specify them and gave them reasonable defaults.

The Serialization Policy

The default serialization policy that will work for built-in types and simple user defined types is IOStream which lives in the mrr::serialization::policies namespace. What this means is, as long as your object can be correctly written and read using operator << and operator >> respectively, then this policy will work fine. In most cases though, especially with complex objects, you're going to want to use a serialization library. I will be adding an implementation for Cereal soon and possibly one for Boost Serialization.

The serialization policy class must have the following two member functions:

    void Serialize(std::ofstream& os, T const& v, std::string const& format)
    void Deserialize(std::ifstream& is, T& v, std::string const& format)

If a class you write has these functions and they behave appropriately, then you have written a serialization policy class for the Cache.

Once you have your policy class, just put it as the 3rd template argument when declaring the cache. For example, if we had the Cereal policy class implemented, we could use it as follows:

    cache<int, std::string, mrr::serialization::policies::Cereal> c;

Pretty simple eh? :)

The Logging Policy

This policy controls how and where log messages are displayed. This policy defaults to mrr::logging::policies::StdErr, a policy that I have defined that writes all logs, regardless of their log level, to std::cerr, a reasonable default behaviour. There is also a NoLogging option which discards all log messages if you don't care. I will be implementing policies for some of the major logging frameworks soon, and will be taking advantage of extended policy functionality.

To change the logging policy, simply change the 4th template parameter like so:

    cache<int, std::string, Cereal, mrr::logging::policies::NoLogging> c;

Note that you must specify all template arguments up to the one that you want to modify, that's just how templates work, you can't specify positional arguments.

The Concurrency Control Policy

The last policy that is currently implemented is the concurrency control policy. This policy controls how access to the cache by multiple threads simultaneously is dealt with. The default that I went with is no concurrency control, no overhead (well, incredibly little, a no-op function call for each lock() and unlock() operation, hopefully removed by the optimizer).

If you need concurrent access, you can use the EntryLocking policy, which locks the cache at the entry level, so multiple threads can be accessing and modifying entries of the cache simultaneously. Just add it as the 5th and final (at this point) template parameter.

      int, std::string,
      Cereal, NoLogging, mrr::concurrency::policies::EntryLocking
    > c;

Typedefs Are Your Friend

Whenever using a class that is written using policy based design, it is always best to make a typedef. One, it saves typing since the type definition can sometimes get unweildy. Second, if you decide to change one of the policies later, you only need to modify it in one spot. So, for example, lets say you're caching Foos, you might make a typedef as follows:

    using FooCache = mrr::Cache<
      int, Foo,

Safely Using the Cache Concurrenty

I mentioned above, that getting the pointer to the object and then directly manipulating it is not thread safe. This is because after control has left the cache, it can no longer control concurrent access. To aleviate this, there are several methods to use when manipulating objects in the cache.

Looking Up A Field

To lookup a field within a cached object, use the callGetterMemFn() function. This takes the key of the object, and a pointer to the member function to call, returning a pair<bool, T> where T is the type of the field you are accessing. If the boolean is true, then the object was successfully looked up and the second entry in the pair will be the value retrieved by the getter.

On the other hand, if the object can not be retrieved (for example, if it doesn't exist), then the boolean value will be false and the second entry in the pair will be a default constructed T.

For example, if you had a class Foo that has a field a_ of type chra with the getter function a(), then you can access the field a_ in object n as follows:

    std::pair<bool,char> result = c.callGetterMemFn(n, &Foo::a);

Updating A Field and Calling Other Functions

For most other member functions that perform some operation on the object and return void, there is the callUpdateMemFn() function, which takes a key, a pointer to member function, and a variadic list of arguments to forward to the member function.


  • Better docs for advanced usage
  • Add docs for PolymorphicCache
  • Implement a caching algorithm to keep cache size in check (LRU family likely)