Django Ecommerce Backend Application

This Django backend application is designed to store and manage various e-commerce related objects. It includes models for products, variants, images, collections, categories, and subcategories, with specified relationships between them.



  • Fields:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at


  • Fields:
    • Title (Title is a combination of product's title and variant's title)
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at
    • Available_for_sale
    • Price


  • Fields:
    • Source
    • Alt_text
    • Updated_at


  • Fields:
    • Title
    • Published
    • Updated_at


  • Fields:
    • Title
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at


  • A product can have multiple variants, but a variant can belong to only one product.
  • A variant will always have an associated image.
  • Products can have zero or more images, including variant images.
  • A product can belong to multiple collections, and a collection can contain multiple products.
  • A product can belong to a category or subcategory.
  • A category can have multiple levels of subcategories.


List Products

  • Returns a list of dictionary objects with fields:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at
    • Images

List Variants

  • Returns a list of dictionary objects with fields:
    • Title (Title is product’s title + variant’s title)
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at
    • Available_for_sale
    • Price
    • Image

List Collections

  • Returns a list of dictionaries with fields:
    • Title
    • Published
    • Updated_at

List Products Belonging to Collections

  • Takes collection id as input
  • Returns a list of dictionaries with fields:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at
    • Images

List Variants Belonging to a Collection

  • Takes collection id as input
  • Returns a list of dictionaries with fields:
    • Title (Title is product’s title + variant’s title)
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at
    • Available_for_sale
    • Price
    • Image

List Variants Belonging to a Category/Subcategory

  • Takes category/subcategory id as input
  • Returns a list of variants with fields:
    • Title (Title is product’s title + variant’s title)
    • Created_at
    • Updated_at
    • Available_for_sale
    • Price
    • Image

Implementation Details

  • UI is not implemented; Django admin page is used for CRUD operations.
  • The above functionalities are also available as REST APIs using Django Rest Framework (DRF).
  • The application utilizes Django's user model for user authentication.
  • User authentication is token-based.
  • Create/update operations are restricted to staff users; all other operations are allowed for registered users.

Celery Integration

  • An API is available to send emails to all users.
  • Emails are sent to all users after a new product is added, with the subject "New product added" and the body containing the new product's title and description.
  • Daily emails are sent to staff users with status updates.

Feel free to customize and expand upon this README as needed for your project.